Sunday, April 16, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
March 27, 2006
Dear ( ),
Greetings in Christ Jesus! I hope this letter finds you well. I want to share with you what God has been doing in my life lately. As you may know, I always wanted to know God more deeply and grow spiritually to live a life that is most pleasing to the Lord.
About two years ago, at Simon Fraser University, I became involved with Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), an interdenominational Christian organization committed to turning lost students into Christ-centered labourers. Through this ministry, God has blessed me in my spiritual growth and taught me how to communicate my faith with others. God has opened my eyes to the desperate need people have to hear the hope we have in Jesus Christ. These things have led me to want to grow and develop more. This summer I have decided to participate in a summer project (May 1 – August 1) with CCC to Calgary.
In Calgary, I will be joined with other from across the country. Our team will be equipped and challenged through faith stretching activities that will help us grow in Christ, develop our leadership & ministry skills, and reach out in evangelism to Calgary’s communities. This opportunity will enable me to share my faith with people who have never heard the Gospel and continue to shape me into an effective godly leader.
In order to make all this possible, I need to develop a strong team of people who will support me through prayer and financial support. I’m trusting that God will raise up people willing to invest in helping to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) & reach lost people. I need to raise $2136 to cover project & travel costs. Would you consider partnering with me by contributing $100, $200, $300 or whatever God lays on your heart to give?
Thank you so much for considering this opportunity. I would be so excited to have you play a part in what God will do in Calgary. I will call you in the next week or so to see how God has led you in this opportunity. You can send your donations in the enclosed a response slip, payable to Campus Crusade for Christ, to my address:
If you any question regarding the summer project and my personal goals, please feel free to contact me at (----------) or email me at (---------). Thank you very much for your partnership and God bless you.
Love in Christ,
YungHwan Eddie Kim
The term Cc has found renewed use with the growth of the Internet. It's purpose is the similar even though its implementation has changed.
In e-mail, the abbreviation "Cc" refers to the practice of sending a message as a "carbon copy" or "courtesy copy". That is, the receiver is not expected to reply (although they may, of course). Typically, supervisory personnel are notified with Cc.
Contrary to popular belief, Cc is not meant for sending multiple copies, at least, not particularly. It is a perfectly legitimate practice to populate the To: field with several addresses.
The Cc recipients are revealed to all recipients, and this may not be desirable, depending on the situation. An alternative field, Bcc or blind carbon copy is available for hidden notification. In common usage, To field recipients are the primary audience of the message, Cc field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message, and Bcc field recipients are those surreptitiously being informed of the communication.
Blind Carbon Copy
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In the context of e-mail, blind carbon copy, abbreviated BCC, refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that what they receive does not contain the complete list of recipients.
There are a number of reasons for using this feature:
- To send a copy of your correspondence to a third party (for example, a colleague) when you do not want to let the recipient know that you are doing this (or when you do not want the recipient to know the third party's e-mail address).
- When sending an e-mail to multiple recipients, you can hide their e-mail addresses from each other. This is a sensible anti-spam precaution because it avoids making a long list of e-mail addresses available to all the recipients (which is what happens if you put everyone's address in the To: or CC: fields). For this reason, it often makes sense to use the BCC: field for mailing lists. Some viruses also harvest e-mail addresses from users' cache folder or addressbook, and large CC lists may further the propagation of unwanted viruses, giving another reason to use BCC.
'BCC' is also occasionally used to make certain types of spam e-mail look more convincing—by hiding your e-mail, the spammer hopes to trick you into believing you've accidentally received an e-mail that was not intended for you.
Basically, any recipients can see all e-mail addresses specified in the To: and CC: fields. No recipients can see any e-mail address (other than their own) in the BCC: field. In short, To: field recipients are the audience of the message, where CC: field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message and BCC: field recipients are those surreptitiously being informed of the communication.