Friday, October 24, 2008

What is your Favourite Drinks?

My all time favourite drinks would be Coke and Orange Juice. Coke is just addictive and that's what I think when I drink it. I can get addicted to Coke. With Orange Juice, I drink one cup, I have to have another, and another. One brand of OJ I don't like is Minute Maid. They have a bad taste. Cheap but bad.

I'm thinking of taking vacation, and the most affordable place is Victoria. Backpack trip would be nice but trying to keep it under $300. Hopefully, I can plan this out before Christmas.


  1. whoahhhhh you posted an update AND changed the layout....

    btw, coke is bad for you.

  2. Hm. Wow, a new blog post!

    I'm not sure what Minute Maid tastes like, but I always thought they were kind of a normal or expensive brand?

    Anyways, what are you up to now of days?

  3. I agree with Tim & Paulman -- wow! A new post!
    And I too am a fan of Coca Cola even though people tell me they use it to clean blood off the road after car accidents; I'm still not deterred from drinking Coke.

    Also, are you a fan of pulp in your OJ?
