I think I am developing an allergy. Having an itchy nose and sneezing. Also, having a sore throat ever since I started working at Best Buy. Probably due to many talks. I can't believe I'm developing allergy. Thinking of seeing a doctor if it worsens. And Vancouver is so hot now! The sun really hurts the skins and outside is so stuffy.
A few days ago, I had a rude korean customers asking for a free software with their purchases. They didn't buy anything since I didn't give it to them and my senior was on my side. ^^ Good thing about Best Buy is that there is no bargain like Future Shop where it can get really ugly. But for us, we just cut off from the start which I'm glad we are not based on commissions. But still, I have to learn so much of presenting promotions, service plans, and other services to customers which is actually to help them with their products. I think I'm learning a lot from there and glad to work there. Great team too.
Deciding where to go see the new Harry Potters movie but actually I'm more excited about the last book! I can't wait! It's going to be a great finale! (300 pages!). Oh and enjoying U-20 Fifa on CBC these days. I wanted to go see a game in Burnaby but no one to go with and no money. All my friends are going China. Well, just two. ^^
Finally, I went to see my adviser yesterday, and I might not come back to SFU in the Fall. Well, technically I'll be a student but as a distance education student. This is totally a good and bad news. We'll see. Chao!